You have a great job you landed with the help of a perfect CV and an effective professional cover letter. Since you made the right moves and are happy with the results, you serve as an example and natural resource for friends and family members who may be looking for work. But when your friend, daughter, uncle, or former coworker brings you a CV draft and asks for your input, will you know how to respond? Here are six CV editing tips you can share with them.
1. Ask questions first
Before you take a look at a CV, ask for some information about the jobs the other person will be targeting. Ask for an example job post and information that can help you understand what employers usually look for in a specific field.
2. Read the CV from top to bottom
Read the CV as if you’re a hiring manager, not an editor. Keep a sceptical eye out for impressive claims, confusing phrases, and obvious grammar problems.
3. Ask questions again
Take the CV back to the candidate and work together to get the confusing statements ironed out in a way that keeps them relevant, clear, and meaningful.
4. Offer praise and positive feedback
Point out the claims that specifically impressed you and the phrases and sentences that felt smooth and effective.
5. Work the delete key
Circle or draw a line through any adverbs, CV buzzwords, repetition, or sections of text that don’t need to appear in the documents.
6. Read backwards from the bottom
Carefully read through the CV again, but this time move up the page from the bottom and read from the right side to the left. This will help you catch misspelled words, grammar problems, duplicate words, and capitalisation issues. In the meantime, you can send your friend to at our site for additional help and guidance with our simple CV builder tool.