Home » Blog » Job search » Get Better Results With These Linkedin Job Search Tips

Updated : 02/24/2023

LinkedIn can be an invaluable tool for both employed and unemployed job seekers, but if you look for ways to draw more attention to your profile and optimise your information, you’ll get even more views, connections, and messages from recruiters and potential employers. Here are few LinkedIn job search tips that can help you stand out in a crowded online marketplace.

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Actively add to your contacts list

Don’t just wait for connections to come to you. Search deliberately for your classmates, former professors, industry connections, coworkers and bosses. LinkedIn is a professional network, not a social one, so don’t be shy about reaching out. You don’t have to be best friends in order to justify adding yourself to someone’s list.

Use the right keywords

Think about the industry jargon that’s most meaningful to recruiters in your specific field, then populate your profile with valuable terms and acronyms. Avoid buzzwords, but use the names of specific software systems, technical skills, clinical skills, and equipment.

Include these 3 important profile details

Your geographic area, preferred job title and the category name that references your industry (this is the name that’s usually used way to describe your broader industry, such as education, healthcare, hospitality, or manufacturing). These three key search terms are all ways to draw attention to your profile. Recruiters often conduct sweeping keyword searches using these terms alone to find their ideal candidate.

If a message or post from a recruiter interests you, reply immediately

Though the message may sound personal, chances are it went out to dozens or hundreds of other candidates, not just to you. The faster you respond with a short, respectful reply, the better your odds will be.

Join relevant groups

Your goal is to gain proximity to the people who can hire you, so join groups that get you closer to that goal. And while you’re at it, actively join conversations with these people, commenting on their posts and posting links, insights and updates of your own. Keep your profile lean, efficient, and easy to read. Gather all the language and formatting tips you’ll need to craft a great LinkedIn CV from the CVHelp’s CV maker!

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