Home » Blog » Career planning » 10 Ways A Career Test Can Improve Your Employability

A career test is a self-evaluation you can take on your own–from an online resource–or from a professional organisation, at their location. Taking a career test on a regular basis can help you to take control of your career goals and improve your employability.

A career test will tell you what kind of career you are best suited for and what kinds of changes you need to make to be able to move up in your career.

career test

1. Make sure you are getting paid enough

A career test will tell you exactly where your skill set is compared to the average in your industry. Evaluating your career can help you identify where you stand and where you should be based on those averages: if your professional skills are above average, but your pay is below average, then it’s time to ask for a raise or find a new job.

2. Plot your career path

It can be difficult to self-evaluate your career progress and see the development of your own skills. Taking an annual career test allows you to chart your path to success by helping you determine your career goals, how well you’re growing professionally, and how you intend to reach those goals.

3. Evaluate your educational needs

Your educational foundation may have been fine for when you started your career, but you may need to go back to school if you want to move up or pursue new goals. A career test will help you figure out what degrees and certifications will give you a leg up and qualify you for more focused or higher-level opportunities.

4. Match your career path with your professional skills

Career fields are becoming more specialised these days, and you may not be on the right path for your qualifications. A career test can let you know if you are pursuing the right career based on your interests and work performance, and what you need to do to get your career back on track. It can also help you determine if your skills are suited to a particular niche in your industry.

5. Determine if it’s time to make a change

You may have felt that it’s time to move on to a new opportunity for a while, but you’re just not sure. When you take a career test, you may find that the results confirm your suspicions. In the process, you’ll be able to determine what other career change ideas are right for your skill set.

6. Enhance and expand your career

You may be right on track with your career, but you could be doing more to take advantage of your knowledge and potential. A career test will help you identify ways to enhance your career and maximise your earnings with training, specialisation and growth opportunities.

7. Keep up with the kids

If you want to keep your job in a changing work environment and maintain (or boost) your employability, then you need to understand how your qualifications stack up against the new talent entering the work pool. A career test will show exactly where you stand and give you advice to improve your position.

8. Evaluate your readiness for management or executive level

Are you ready to make the move to a management or executive position? A career test will tell you if you are ready to pursue higher-level and leadership opportunities. Plus, if you are not ready, the career test will tell you what you need to do to prepare yourself for those roles.

9. Figure out if you’re in over your head

One benefit of a career test is that it can tell you if you’re in over your head with your newest position or promotion. You should always aim to push yourself, but in order to set yourself up for success, your job should match your highest level of competence, and a career test can help you evaluate yourself on that front.

10. Find a new career

One of the biggest benefits of a career test is that it can help you to determine your employability in a variety of fields and identify exactly what you need to do to change careers. A career test is an invaluable career tool in your career development and job hunt. Evaluating your career regularly can help you stay on track and make the most of your work performance. Consider taking a career test annually to ensure you’re on the right path and maximising your skills and potential.

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