Want to land a restaurant manager position? These guidelines and examples will help you write a perfect CV that will stand out.
Hiring managers use the applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan CVs. Based on the results, you can be the first in line for the interview or end up buried in the pile, so they never get to read your CV. To beat the ATS, you need to use specific keywords from the job description in the skills section. Some of the most common keywords to be on the lookout for in restaurant manager job postings include:
Read the job description carefully, and see which keywords pop up so you can include those in your CV. How much space you will have to show off your skillset will depend mainly on the type of CV format you choose. There are three formats: chronological, functional, and combination. In the chronological, or more accurate, reverse-chronological CV, your work experience will be the center of your CV, where your most recent job will be listed first. Unlike a chronological CV, the functional CV format focuses on your skills, and employment history is kept very brief. Finally, in the combination (also known as hybrid) CV, there’s room for your skills as well as examples of how you’ve used them in your work history section.
No matter what format you use, it’s best to use bullet points to list your skills to make your CV easy to read while leaving enough white space. Using CV templates can help you ensure proper formatting and modern style ideas for your next CV.
Work History
Besides your CV, you will need to submit a well-written cover letter to land that new job. Many hiring managers won’t even read CVs that are not accompanied by a cover letter. If you do not know how to write one, check several cover letter samples to get the idea.
If you do not have a lot of experience as a restaurant manager, then draw attention to your skills and education. Although the job search can be daunting, instead of fluffing your employment history, mention any activities that show your soft skills. For instance, if you have done any volunteer work or freelance projects that show off your teamwork skills, interpersonal skills, or other qualities relevant to the restaurant business, include them.
Every job application contains specific keywords hiring managers will be looking for when scanning received CVs. To ensure you get the interview, look carefully at the job ad, and see which skills, traits, and experience levels are listed. Afterward, use the ones that apply to you in your CV.
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