Whether you’re new to data analytics or are looking to advance your career, these writing tips will help you craft the perfect data analyst CV.
Using bullet points can make information like your work experience or work history easier to read. Bullet points can highlight your key achievements and tasks to make them stand out to the hiring manager.
Use numbers and percentages to quantify your achievements. Adding a scale of comparison makes your accomplishments more impressive.
Industry-specific terminology and phrasing serve an important role. You don’t want to overuse acronyms or jargon, but the use of these terms can make your work experience or skill set clearer to an audience who is familiar with the data analytics industry. Listing advanced terms or skills can also signal what level of your career you are at.
Your CV should include both soft skills and technical skills, but it should also emphasize specific analytical skills based on the requirements in the job posting. For data analytics, some generic skills may be left off of your CV in favor of more specialized skills.
There are some general data analysis skills that will apply to all data jobs. One example of a data skill you can begin to master today is proficiency in Microsoft Excel. Excel has features that can assist in even an entry-level data analyst position. Take the opportunity to study statistics books available for free online or at your local library. You may find specific data analysis skills to study by reading a data analytics job description. Certain jobs may require more specialised skills.
Your CV can highlight the features that make you the best candidate for the job. Whether you have complex special skills or years of experience in data analytics, your CV can make you stand out. Data analyst skills fall under two categories: software and data-specific learnt skills. It is important to list both on your curriculm vitae. A professional CV makes it easy for the hiring manager to see if you possess the qualities needed for the job.
CV examples can help you get a sense of what the perfect CV should include. Content and appearance are both important in a professional CV.
On your CV for a data analyst job, you should include the following:
And, don’t forget to submit a great cover letter along with your CV!
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