How to list your education on your CV

Your education is an important part of your history. How should you feature your education on your CV effectively?



Table of Contents

  1. Education on CV
  2. Should I list my education on my CV?
  3. Information to include when adding education to your CV
  4. Tips for including rducation on your CV
  5. FAQ: Education on your CV

Education on CV

Whether you’re an experienced professional, a recent graduate or currently in school, highlighting your educational background is a great way to prove you have the skills necessary for a job. How do you list education on a CV in a way that benefits your job search? Here’s what you need to know about adding education to strengthen your relevant work experience.

Should I list my education on my CV?

Absolutely. The education section of your CV gives more information to recruiters about what you’ve done in your life, whether you have a GED or graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Your fields of study, awards and honours, and any special coursework under your belt can help qualify you for the position you’re applying to.

Information to include when adding education to your CV

When filling out your CV education section, ensure you’re adding it in the proper CV format. Typically, you’ll want to include all of these bullet points in an education section on your CV:

  • Degree name
  • School name and location (city)
  • Field of study and major
  • Academic honours and special recognitions

What might this look like? Here are a few CV examples for different situations.

Someone who has only graduated high school will want to include their high school education on their CV, although this typically isn’t recommended for those with higher education. To list your high school graduation, you would want to format it something like this:

High School Diploma

  • Thunder High School, Lancashire
  • Honour Society

What if you graduated from college? Your college experience might look like this:

  • University of Central Lancashire, Lancashire
  • Bachelor of Arts in Languages
  • Summa cum laude

Bachelor’s Degree

  • Aston University, Birmingham
  • Bachelor of Arts: Graphic Design
  • Dean’s List, magna cum laude

Note how both of these last two examples are for people who hold a bachelor’s degree, but they cite them slightly differently. Both formats are fine because they give important information about what you did as a college student. However, you should make sure all your education information looks the same. If you’re using a CV builder, the builder will typically have a default presentation to help with CV writing.

Tips for including rducation on your CV

Job seekers who want to make sure their CV looks great need to know how to make their education shine. Here are a few tips you can use to make sure your CV looks professional:

  • Only include high school if you didn’t go to college
  • Don’t include your GPA unless specifically requested
  • List awards and honours (e.g., Dean’s List, summa cum laude, Honors Society)
  • Start with your highest degree
  • Put the college name first
  • Make sure all your education is listed the same way

Your education is meant to show you have some years of experience, even if those years of experience were largely spent in school. More importantly, including education information will help your CV pass applicant tracking systems (ATS) that read your CV and get it to the hiring manager.

FAQ: Education on your CV

Q: Can I include extracurriculars on my CV?

Extracurricular activities are an important part of a CV. If you did any extracurricular activities, you could include them in your work experience section, your education section or in their own “extracurricular activities” section. The difference often lies in whether they were closer to a job or closer to a short after-school experience. If you volunteered for an organization, it probably belongs in the work experience section; if you were in the student council, it likely belongs in an extracurricular activities section.

Q: Should I include a major that doesn’t directly apply to the job I’m applying for?

Even if your college major doesn’t directly apply to the job title that you’re seeking, you should still include it on your CV. It shows you care enough to get through a college experience, which isn’t true of all people. Make sure you highlight as many transferable skills as possible to showcase how your college experience can add to your job application. Including information like certifications can help you bolster the inclusion of your college education on your CV, even if the major doesn’t relate to your current job search.

Q: Can I put an unfinished college degree on my CV?

Whether you’re still in college or you’ve since dropped out, you can put an unfinished college degree on your CV. State how many credits you’ve completed and toward what major. If you’re still enrolled, also include your anticipated graduation date. If you’re not enrolled, make sure you’re prepared to discuss why you dropped out and whether you might be interested in returning at some point.


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