CV dates are a big part of your CV. What should you know about adding CV dates, especially if you’re an older job seeker?
Whether it is necessary to include dates on a CV can depend on the requirements of the job posting. You should always include dates of employment in your work experience section, for example, but certain job postings may also want dates for professional certifications and memberships. These are the dates most commonly listed on CVs:
When you include dates in your CV sections, they should be listed at the end of each entry. For example, when listing a professional certification you would present it as such:
[Certification title], [DD/MM/YYYY]
If the certification must be renewed:
[Certification Title], [DD/MM/YYYY – DD/MM/YYYY]
In most cases, it is preferable to use a full date format, including specific days. This is especially the case when employment history, but in the case of memberships and certifications it can be acceptable to use the shorter MM/YYYY format as long as you are consistent. You may include your graduation date in your CV but don’t do it if you graduated more than 10 years ago.
Potential employers often require employment dates because they state that a certain amount of experience is needed for a specific job. In these cases, you should include as much of your career history as the job posting requests. However, it is understandable that older job seekers are wary of including their entire job history.
First and foremost, it is important to note that ageism is illegal, so if you are concerned that you have been discriminated against based on age, you should report this. However, there are steps you can take to minimise the chance of age bias limiting your job search. The most effective ways to fight ageism and get a new job are:
Cheque the job description and advert to see how many years of experience are required and list just a little more than this in your CV. Some career advice experts recommend you list no more than 10 years of experience, while others state you can include as much as 20. What really matters is that you present enough relevant professional experience correctly. Remember to list your previous job titles in reverse-chronological order and double-cheque your employment dates.
Show evidence of ongoing education to assure employers that your knowledge base is up to date. This will show recruiters that you have the same up-to-date skill set as a recent graduate, with the bonus of more experience.
Above entry-level, technical skills become more important. If you are applying for management positions or specialised roles, your technical skills will be very important, so put them in a featured section like your statement of qualifications.
One of the driving concerns behind age bias is the perceived lack of technological and digital literacy in older job seekers. Showcase your professional social media, digital skills and technological competencies to overcome this. For example, if you have certifications from Microsoft or you have strong Adobe Photoshop skills, list this (assuming it is relevant to the role).
If you want to take your job application to the next level, consider some up-to-date CV examples for inspiration. You can also use our CV builder for a template CV update. A dated appearance will hold your CV back.
No, you should still include employment dates even if you have employment gaps. You can switch to a skills-based CV format if you want to present yourself and your work experience in a more persuasive way. This CV format emphasises skills and achievements without putting all the focus on steady work history.
No, you should not include your date of birth on your CV. Age is a protected class and a potential employer does not need to know it at this point in the hiring process.
You can use whatever date format you want as long as it’s consistent. However, it is important to note that it is most common to use the DD/MM/YYYY format on a CV.