Creative artist cover letter examples that attract attention

Showcase your creative skills and expertise with a fantastic artist cover letter example. Set yourself apart from other candidates with this cover letter format.



Table of Contents

  1. Artist cover letter example
  2. Cover Letter for an Artist
  3. A great artist cover letter template
  4. Five tips for creating your artist cover letter using this writing sample
  5. FAQ: Artist cover letter example

Artist cover letter example

Take a look at the artist cover letter example sample below. As you can see, there are different custom sections utilises a bevy of skills. Not to worry, our cover letter builder  allows you to create as many new sections as necessary to capture your years of experience and accomplishments effectively.

Artistic cover letter templates document.
Artist cover letter example
Artist cover letter example
Artist cover letter example

Cover Letter for an Artist

Applying for a role as an artist can encompass various roles and responsibilities. Whether you are applying for a graphic design or an artist-in-residence position, you will need to write an effective cover letter. Follow this cover letter template to showcase your skills and expertise as an artist. 

This guide will show you:

  • A fantastic artist cover letter template to use as inspiration
  • Why a professional cover letter is crucial to any job application
  • Some simple steps to creating the best cover letter for an artist position.
Build my Cover Letter

A great artist cover letter template

Use this sample to build your cover letter and impress recruiters. Note that you need to adapt this example to your needs, and address the specific position you are applying for.
Your name
Your address
Your phone number
Your email address
Link to your portfolio  
[Today’s Date]  
[XYZ Company Address]
[Phone Number]
Dear [Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Name],  
I am writing to apply for the position of artist-in-residence at . I have over X years of related work experience and can share an expansive portfolio showcasing my artistic skills. Art is my passion, and I am keen to develop my creative journey further at .  
I graduated from [university name] with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in 2024. Since then, I have taken on several clients creating works for various specifications, including sculpture, photorealistic paintings, and art installations for a local museum. I have included all previous work in my portfolio, along with client feedback. I hope this reflects my range of abilities as well as my diverse artistic interests.
In my previous role at [company], I excelled in the field of digital art, gaining plenty of practical experience working with Photoshop and other digital programmes. A number of these pieces were featured in an exhibition in New York. Again, I have included this stage of my artistic expression in my portfolio.
My years of experience and breadth of creative endeavours showcase what I can bring to [XYZ Institution] as an artist-in-residence. I addition to my well documented artistic ability, I have the strong work ethic and time management skills required to fulfil the role’s duties.
Thank you for taking the time to review my application. Please find attached my professional CV and portfolio for a more in-depth account of my achievements. I look forward to speaking with you to discuss the role further.
[Your name]

Five tips for creating your artist cover letter using this writing sample

Landing that new job is always challenging. To get to a job interview after you have done your job search, you must invest your time wisely, using our CV builder and CV templates can help you to create the perfect artist CV. Then, you can use our cover letter builder to finish off your job application.

Naturally, artists are unique in that a significant emphasis is on creativity and artistic expression over work history and qualifications. Nevertheless, an artist job application still needs to cover the basics, and so you still should follow the cover letter tips in this guide.

Here are five tips to keep in mind while writing your cover letter:

1. Include your contact details

Make it easy for the recruiter to contact you by adding your full name, address, phone number, email address, and any online portfolio links to your header. This allows the potential employer to explore your work and contact you if needed.

2. Always tailor your cover letter

Tailor your cover letter to ensure that you have addressed the specifics of the job description. It’s not good enough to demonstrate you have the know-how. You need to establish that you are suitable for this specific role. Since artist roles can vary wildly, read the job description carefully and give the hiring manager examples of skills and achievements that fulfil what the role needs.

3. Start with your main achievements

Start with a strong introduction that establishes your credentials as an artist. This should immediately frame you as a viable candidate for the role.

4. Explain why you’re a great fit

Following the introduction, provide a few more reasons that help the recruiter see how you will be a great addition to the company or gallery. Reference skills and experience that will allow you to succeed in the role advertised. If you have a Fine Arts degree or similar qualification, mention that here. 

5. Finish with a call to action In your sign-off, make sure to invite the recruiter to contact you. Thank them for their time, remind them to look at your portfolio, and request a phone call or interview to discuss the role further.

Build my Cover Letter

FAQ: Artist cover letter example

Q: Do I need to write a cover letter?

Yes. Whenever you apply for a job, you should always write a cover letter. Serious hiring managers won’t consider job seekers who don’t write a cover letter. It is your chance to specifically reference the job description and convince them that you are the perfect candidate.

Q: How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be around three-quarters of a page. If you follow our cover letter format, this should be about the right length. It allows you to build on your CV without bombarding the recruiter.

Q: Does this cover letter example work if I don’t have a lot of experience?

Yes, you can still use this cover letter even if you don’t have any experience as an artist. If, for example, you are a recent fine arts graduate, then substitute any references to experience with specific areas of artistic interest. You will still need to give examples of your work, so be sure you have a portfolio.

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Move your cover letter to the top of the yes pile!


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