Questions to Ask in an Interview

Asking good questions in an interview can make all the difference. Here are the best interview questions to ask an employer along with useful interview tips.



Good Questions to Ask in an Interview

Attending a job interview is also a chance for you to find out about the company and ask your own questions. What's more, asking your potential employer questions can actually increase your chances of getting a callback. Here at CVHelp, we're all about helping you succeed with your job applications, so in this article, we've put together a list of the best questions to ask in an interview to increase your chances of getting a job offer.

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What Questions to Ask in an Interview?

First, an interview is a two-way street. It’s a chance for you to get to know the company and find out if the job would be a good fit for you. So asking questions about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role, the company culture, and company values can help you decide if it’s the job for you.

It also looks good to the hiring manager if you ask questions because it shows you’re assertive and engaged. Particular questions can also send a message about what you would be like as an employee. What you ask often shows your priorities—whether you’re focussed on progressing on your career path or getting involved in the company’s social scene.

Interview Questions To Ask

Here are some great interview questions you can ask a recruiter in an interview. Pick a few that strike a chord with you and your professional development goals.

Duties and requirements

These kinds of questions let you learn more about the new job and show that you’re conscientious. The answers might also provide more opportunities to talk about any relevant skills and experience that you have.

  • What would a typical day look like in this job role?
  • Who would I be reporting to?
  • Would I have any direct reports?
  • What software and tools do you use?

Company culture

These are especially good questions to ask if the company has an active social scene and you want to demonstrate that you would fit in well and be eager to participate with team members.

  • How would you describe the company culture?
  • Does the company hold many social events?
  • Can you tell me about the team I would be placed in?

Career progression

Employers are often looking for job candidates who will stay at the company for a while and work their way up the ranks, so asking questions about career progression and professional development is an excellent way to show you’re serious about a long-term career with the company.

  • What opportunities are there for career progression?
  • Do you support employees with training and additional qualifications?
  • Do you hold regular employee performance reviews?


Similarly, employers love to see ambition in job seekers—whether that’s your personal career goals or enthusiasm about the company’s future expansion. So show your ambitious flair with these questions:

  • What are the company objectives for the next five years?
  • Where can I help the most in the first few months?
  • How would I be able to contribute to the company’s success in this role?

Questions Not To Ask in an Interview

Bear in mind that not all questions are good questions. You don’t want to show yourself up by asking something you should already know, or that could be seen as a red flag. For example, don’t ask an employer:

What does the company do?

You should already have researched the company to prepare for the interview process. Asking this will make you look complacent and underprepared.

Will I have to work overtime?

This implies that you might be reluctant to go the extra mile and work hard for the company, so avoid asking this question at the interview stage.

How much will I get paid?

While it’s reasonable to want an idea of what salary the job pays, asking directly in the interview can look like all you care about is the money. Therefore, it’s better to leave the salary negotiations until the hiring process has begun.

Do I get my own office?

Questions like this make you seem entitled and self-important and more focused on what the company can do for you than vice versa.

Do you monitor employees’ social media profiles?

This isn’t an appropriate question to ask your employer. Instead, it indicates that you might have something on your social media profiles that you don’t want them to see and is likely to raise suspicions. Recruiters usually look at LinkedIn profiles, so make sure yours is professional!

Deciding on the good questions to ask in an interview could be your key to getting the job. But of course, the primary part of the interview will consist of the employer asking you questions, so you need to be well prepared for that. It would help if you considered what questions they might ask in advance and had some great answers ready. From thinking about your biggest challenges to why you would be the ideal candidate, make sure you have carefully think about what you want to say! Check out our list of common job interview questions to prepare yourself.

FAQ: Interview Questions To Ask in an Interview

Q: What are good questions to ask a in an interview?

The best questions to ask in an interview should range from asking about the biggest responsibilities and challenges you will face to asking about the company’s future and work environment. It is also great to ask questions directly relating to the job description, as this shows you are thorough and pay attention to detail.

Q: What should I say to impress an interviewer?

The best way to impress an interviewer is by giving concrete examples of achievements and major responsibilities from previous work experiences. This is more important than speaking about your opinion of yourself, as a potential employer needs to know that they can rely on you. If they reach out to your references, it is even better if they reiterate what you said in your interview. They will if you have mentioned specific examples of your excellent skills!

Q: What mistakes can I make in an interview?

The biggest mistake you can make is commenting negatively about previous employers and their management style. This indicates that you aren’t loyal or mature and will often disappoint interviewers. It is also frowned upon if you fail to research or have any of your questions to ask at the end of the interview.


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