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You’ve followed all the guidelines and done all the work. Now you have this great CV, and it’s going to wow hiring managers. The only problem left? How to get your CV in the right hands? Knowing where to send a CV and how to make the most of the document you’ve built is key to landing your dream job. Some people don’t rely completely on job listings and submissions. Some cleverly complement traditional channels with contacting employers and hiring managers directly. You can look for opportunities through job hunts and good old-fashioned networking. These methods require a careful touch. Here are some tips to help you learn how to market your CV effectively and improve your chances of getting an interview and the job.

Cover letters

Cover letters seem simple enough: explain why you’re writing, briefly address qualifications and close out with a request for an interview. The cover letter can be a lot more personalised than a CV, and it provides you with the opportunity to introduce yourself less formally, albeit still professionally, and get hiring managers to know you. Keep it positive, and explain that you’re looking for new opportunities and why you’re contacting them specifically. Elaborate on your qualifications without reiterating what’s on the CV. Refer to your contact information and enthusiastically request an interview.


Research shows you are more likely to find a job networking in person than through traditional submission channels. The sharing of information and relationships are responsible for more than 80 percent of hirings. However, it may not be wise to offer a CV to new contacts. Wait until they get to know you better. A new contact should trust you before seeing that CV. Instead, show interest in the company and get other referrals. But always have a copy on hand in case they ask for one. Anyone that does request one should get a quick note thanking them with a request for follow-up.

Posting on niche sites

Don’t simply rely on the big websites online for posting your CV. Looking into niche job sites that target what you’re looking for will significantly increase the chances you’ll connect with companies looking for you. Try regional job boards and aggregator sites that combine search results from a variety of platforms. If you’re a member of a professional association, there’s probably a job board on their website. Better yet, you can probably contact them for some sort of counseling in the matter.

Job fairs and conventions

Jobs fairs and conventions force you to test your networking and interviewing skills, and how to market your CV. Before you attend any of these events, visit the website first. They usually list the companies that will be there. Do be aware that most companies present aren’t looking for candidates to fill current jobs. They are marketing their company and potential future opportunities. But these events can be fun and a good place to meet people and get useful information. You are more likely to find recruiters at these events, not people who have the authority to hire someone. So even if your CV is reviewed, it will only mean it’s getting looked at. You may still have to go through a process of submitting it online, etc. But stay positive and have your CV ready to show to anyone that asks to see it. It’s one thing to build a strong CV, but it’s quite another to understand what to do with a CV and where to distribute it once you’ve created it. Learning how to market your CV gets people looking for you, which is a great advantage over the typical submission. And in the crowded job market, any advantage is a good one.