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The process of writing a CV has been permanently altered by today’s advancements and changes in technology. Here are a few ways the new tech landscape has impacted CV writing. You can use these changes to improve your chances of success. Here’s to a speedier, successful job search.

Utilising keywords is essential

Search engines are among the most significant technology developments affecting the job search. They have changed the way CV are written and structured. For example, a document can now reach a targeted audience through smart use of keywords. As a result, CV are now written in ways that bring in a significant amount of web traffic, rather than written to please a general audience of hiring managers. If you want your CV to be seen online, then you must learn how to properly utilise keywords.

Gimmicks are less prevalent

Before the Internet and technology came along, job hunters would use gimmicks such as colored paper and special envelopes to try and get the attention of hiring managers. Most of these gimmicks never worked, but that did not stop aggressive job hunters from doing everything they could to get their CV to stand out. Now that a large majority of CV are sent over the Internet, the need for gimmicks has all but disappeared. In reality, if you use online gimmicks to try and get your CV seen, those gimmicks could set off a company’s screening software and prevent your CV from being seen at all. These days, the content of the CV is what matters. The gimmicks are distractions, and may keep your CV from getting to the person in charge of hiring.

Anyone can write and design a professional-looking CV

Technology has advanced so far from the typewriter to the software word processor that now anyone can create a professional looking CV. Prior to the creation of the easily accessible document development tools we have now, a job hunter had to invest a great deal of money into getting a CV that looked clean and professional. These days, with the help of professional CV advice on the web and the use of basic computer technology, any job hunter can create a CV package that looks extremely professional. You don’t even have to learn how to design a CV to create a beautiful document with the templates and tools available on the web.

Content has become more important

While hiring managers may not admit it, CV used to get prioritised based on their physical look. That means that the things we have talked about such as a clean presentation and gimmicks actually did affect how a hiring manager looked at a CV. A nice, clean CV was often put ahead of others without initial consideration as to the quality of the content in either presentation. With technology giving every job hunter the chance to create a professional CV, the focus has truly shifted to creating strong CV content. Job hunters must now work to develop a CV that impresses based on their qualifications and not just the look of the document. Technology has caused CV writing to change in many ways and the experts at CVHelp are here to make sure that you are able to keep up with the times. With a wide array of professional CV writing tips and tools available, CVHelp is the ideal tool to use to create the perfect CV in these technologically advanced times.