Home » Blog » CV basics » Does CV Formatting Matter?

Updated : 03/16/2023

When you are putting together your CV package, it is important to remember that hiring managers read a lot of CV each and every day. One of the most popular misconceptions about CV is that colorful paper or a flashy look will get your resume noticed above everyone else’s. The truth is that it is the content of your CV that matters more than anything else and those gimmicks do nothing but cause distractions. Follow these CV tips and guidelines to format your CV in three simple ways that hiring managers will find compelling.

Table of contents

1. What is CV formatting?

The CV format includes the font you use, the layout you design and the overall appearance of your CV. You may decide to use bold font to highlight certain parts, or you may decide that separating sections using an extra space is sufficient to get your information seen. The presentation of your CV on paper or screen is considered the format that you use.

2. Are there standard CV formats?

When you utilise the resources and resume tips offered by CVHelp, you will find that there are plenty of professional CV templates and samples to choose from. While there is no one single CV format that is used, there are certain characteristics that a format must have to be effective. For example, a good CV format is easy to scan and allows the most important information to stand out. If you CV format does not grab the reader’s attention right away, then your CV may not be read. You can use these tools to find standard CV formats and templates.

3. Does CV formatting matter?

Colorful paper and flashy gimmicks will not get your CV read by hiring managers, but good content set up in a presentable format will. A successful resume is a good combination of strong information presented in a way that is easy to read. Without a good format, the hiring manager would have to scan all over your CV to find a couple of the key facts that would catch their attention.

In reality, the hiring manager is not going to take the time to do that, so your CV format needs to do that for them. A good format highlights key areas of your background and entices the hiring manager to keep reading. It is difficult for a hiring manager to get interested in a resume that does not try to sell itself right away. A good format presents all of the important information up front and convinces the hiring manager that your information is worth reading. Here are some CV templates that can help you build your CV.

Whether you are an entry level employee or a seasoned professional, your resume needs to be formatted properly to be effective. The hiring manager who picks up your resume has no idea who you are, so your resume has to make that introduction for you. The format and flow of your resume is critically important in getting the interviews you need to advance your career. These CV tips will help you craft and structure your CV in a format that will help you land the job.

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