How to Write a CV Cover Page

A CV cover page is a great way to introduce your CV. How can you write an effective cover page to catch a hiring manager’s eye? Find out with our tips.



CV cover page

When you start researching CV and cover letters, one term you might hear is a “CV cover page.” It may be indicated as something you need to include in your job application, or you may hear about tips for writing your cover page to leave a great first impression. What is a cover page, and how can you make sure it helps you get job interviews? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is a CV cover page?

A CV cover page is the same thing as a cover letter. All the elements to include in a cover letter are elements that you should include on your cover page. A professional cover letter is something you include with your job application to tell a hiring manager why you’re the right person for the job. Not only does it give you a place to discuss your competencies and work experience, but it also allows you to create a call to action, where you actively ask for the job interview.

Cover page vs. Cover letter vs. CV

Cover page, cover letter, and CV are all terms you might hear as you look for a job.
First of all, as already noted, a cover page and cover letter are very similar. Recruiters who are asking for one might as well be asking for the other. They’re one-page documents that you use in your job search to actively separate yourself from other job seekers. When writing a cover letter or cover page, it’s important to use the CVHelp cover letter builder to ensure your cover letter looks as professional as possible.
A CV, short for curriculum vitae, is a bit more complicated. In the academic field, it’s an extensive summary of your career, qualifications, and education. In many English-speaking countries outside of North America, a CV is what people commonly use as an overview of their entire job history. That usage has also spread to North America, where a CV and a US resume may be interchangeable. If you’re unsure, you can always ask the potential employer.
When in need of more assistance or if you want to customise your own CV with ease, then use the CVHelp builder or take a look at some cover page CV examples for inspiration.

What to include in your cover page?

Remember, your cover page should be the same as any cover letter, which means the format should follow the typical cover letter format.
First, you need to include a great salutation and header. Include all your contact information, including your phone number and email address. Open the letter with the hiring manager’s name. Avoid overly generic and old-fashioned introductions like “To whom it may concern.”
Your first paragraph should start off with a great hook, such as your best achievement. This opening paragraph will typically attempt to catch a hiring manager’s eye, showcasing whatever you feel the best part of your work history has been.
The second paragraph continues with your relevant skills, certifications, and talents. It may provide information about how you can benefit the company and how the company can benefit you. You might also include bullet points underneath this paragraph, especially if you have many key achievements, describing those achievements and showcasing your skills.
The closing paragraph includes a summation of why you think you’re best for the job, and ends with a call to action. Here, you indicate that you’re interested in a job interview and that you look forward to talking to the hiring manager. 

FAQ: CV cover pages

Q: Does a CV need a cover page?

Cover letters are standard nowadays. Even if the job says that it doesn’t require a cover page, it’s still a good idea to include a cover letter to indicate your communication skills, showcase who you are as a person, and actively ask for the job interview. You can find cover letter examples at CVHelp to help you push your cover letter writing skills to the next level.

Q: Should I match my cover page “look” with my CV?

Matching your cover page and your CV allows you to present a united front that makes your personal brand very apparent. The best cover letter will incorporate elements of your CV so a hiring manager gets a sense of who you really are. Try to match both colours and fonts from your cover letter and CV for best results.

Q: Can I include information on my cover page that isn’t in my CV?

Absolutely. In fact, it’s best not to just rehash all the information in your CV. If you’re just going over the information in your CV, why would a hiring manager need to read the cover letter in the first place? Instead, provide more detailed information on specific career highlights and skills that the hiring manager really wants to hear. Although some of the information might overlap, it’s best to make sure that the hiring manager feels like reading your cover letter gives them some extra information.


Move your CV to the top of the yes pile!